Saturday, June 28, 2014

Dragonfly at the pond.

These guys with the striped wings are the largest ones that come to our pond.  They ALL love this silly stick.

We also have pretty little red ones, and less frequently the little bright blue ones.   
These photos are courtesy of my wonderful husband who loves this pond as much as I do!

All these clouds only produced three drops of rain.

Promising blue behind the grey and whities.

The pink cloud is a mystery.

Looking north.

Gratuitous cat picture. What else is there to do on a cloudy day?

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Rain rain stay today

It's a nice warm rainy day and the plants are loving it.  Me too!

The skies are gray and drear but this time, it's not for nothing.  There's water coming out of those clouds!

Day lilies look like they are trying to catch every drop. 
Everything looks gorgeous all rinsed off and sparkling.

Arrow leaf plants in the pond are making a 
spectacular purple showing this year.

Words not necessary, this incredible sky speaks for itself. Enjoy!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Heyyyy, it's supposed to be summer!

 Today was warm enough at 84, but look at this sky!  
Downright ominous.

If it was winter, I'd say a big storm was coming in! 

Cool explosion looking cloud.

Weather station hard at work as always.

Big wind blowing the redwood tree, with all the 
hummingbirds in it. Hope they are hunkered down safely!

No rain from these clouds.

Here's Tenkit enjoying the crunchy dried grass, perfect camouflage for her. The grasshoppers love it too.  We do not love it but water here is expensive.  Most of us do not water lawns.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Bluest imaginable sky!

Another beauty of a day!

I've been trying to photograph this spider web stretched between pond plants. The spider has caught something with wings near the center. Yum!

This is the first year these canna lilies have really taken off.  Love the pink edges!

Kit enjoys cement.

Friday, June 20, 2014

What can you do with an 88 degree day?

Today we went fishing. Actually, my husband went fishing and I went exploring. It was warm and beautiful.

Below: the sky, the dam and the water.

Clear pretty water. This area is fly fishing only, 
all catch and release. 

Happy daisies are everywhere.
The sky was incredible today.

These geese stayed on their individual rocks all day.

I can always see all kinds of creatures 
in these fleeting cloud formations. I call them banshee skies. 
The long lasting effects of Disney.

I followed this little butterfly all the way down a trail, until he landed and I nabbed this photo.

Is there a brighter pink than these sweet peas?

One tiny little wild rose in a jumble of growth.

Quintessential peace and serenity here.

Water coming directly out of the dam. It's bone numbingly cold.

I brought this bouquet of goose feathers home to the kitties.

This daisy covered island is another Canada goose hangout, I counted five out there today.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Monday, June 16, 2014


Today, a few drops of rain, pretty clouds. 

Snails and beautiful silver spider enjoying the pond's edge. Note the legged tadpole a few inches out in the shallows.

Arrow leaf pond plants starting to bloom.

Fat tadpoles contemplating land.

My husband pulls pond liner back to show these tiny hatchlings.

We grew legs for this?? Ha, little froglets look like they don't know what to do once they leave the pond.  After a while, they will hop off into crevices in the rock wall.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Full moon AND Friday the 13th!

We went outside a little after midnight to watch the space station go over and this is the sky we saw.